9 steps to creating a high-converting PPC landing pages

Even the best campaigns may fail if they lead to low converting and non-relevant landing page. And since we want you to succeed, we're going to give you some tips, how to optimize your PPC destinations.
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Marek Turnhofer
September 5, 2024

Creating a successful landing page involves understanding your audience and strategically crafting each element of the page to guide visitors towards taking the desired action. Even the most effective and automated ppc campaign needs a well designed destination page. Here's a detailed breakdown of the seven essential steps and elements for a high-converting PPC landing page:

Step 1: Understand your audience

Knowing your target audience is the bedrock of any successful marketing campaign. Without understanding who you're talking to, your message risks being misunderstood or, worse, ignored altogether. The first step in creating a high-converting PPC landing page is identifying and understanding your audience.

Research is key in defining your audience. Dig deep into analytics and user data, social media insights, or even direct user surveys. Extract vital demographic and behavioral data, such as age, location, job roles, interests, and digital habits. This information will help you tailor your messaging and visuals to resonate with your audience effectively. Simple as that, synchronize the content of your landing page with the content of your Responsive Search Ads or other campaign types.

Give your audience exactly what they expect after clicking on your ad

TIP: Do you target multiple audiences? Don't be afraid to create multiple landing pages for the same service or product to increase its impact.

Step 2: Craft a gripping headline

The right headline holds the power to make or break your PPC landing page. As the first thing users see, it sets the tone for the rest of your content. 

Your headline should:

  • Be engaging, relevant, and tightly aligned with your PPC ad's message.
  • Communicate your unique value proposition (UVP) concisely and persuasively.
  • Ideally, be under 70 characters to ensure visibility in search engine results.

TIP: We strongly suggest keeping headlines under 70 characters to ensure they don’t get cut off in search engine results. An effective headline grabs attention and piques interest, making visitors want to learn more.

Step 3: Design the page with user in mind

Think like the user. Try to answer these questions to yourself: 

  • What's the goal of the page?
  • What does he/she want to see first? 
  • Do they understand what the product is about?
  • How to make the value proposition clear?
  • Is the information flow correct?

The conclusion is quite easy. You need to create a page that is simple and easy to navigate. It should contain attractive visuals and have a clear pathway from headline to the CTA.

Step 4: Never underestimate the power of copywriting

Just remember, this is not like writing a branding ad. You don't necessarily need to be funny or craft the most creative copy. Instead, these should be your main goals:

  • Be concise, clear and compelling
  • Address the needs and desire of your target audience
  • Highlight the benefits your product or service has instead of listing features

TIP: Grab your audience's attention fast. People typically only focus for 8-10 seconds, so make sure the first words they see are engaging and draw them in deeper.

Step 5: Provide outside confirmation

Social proof is a powerful tool to reinforce your message. It involves showing testimonials, reviews, case studies and ratings from satisfied customers to build credibility and trust. Trust signals can also include client logos, awards, certifications, or ratings.

Highlight a few of your best testimonials—whether written or video—and provide a link to additional reviews for those interested in more feedback. Collecting and showcasing positive customer feedback enhances your credibility and addresses potential doubts and objections, making it easier for visitors to trust your brand and product.

Step 6: Call-to-action

The climax of your PPC landing page, the CTA, prompts the user towards the action you want them to take. An effective CTA should:

  • Stand out visually on the page.
  • Use compelling and direct language
  • Create a sense of urgency with words like "now," "today," or "limited time offer."
  • Make it count, include phrases like “free” or “save xy%”

CTAs should be placed above the fold to maximize conversions and repeated throughout the page to keep visitors focused on the desired action. The better your CTA, the higher your chances of conversion.

Step 7: Use A/B testing for continuous optimization

A/B testing is a fundamental tool in your digital marketing arsenal, allowing for a scientific and data-driven approach to decision-making. A/B testing involves:

  • Developing two (or more) versions of your landing page—Version A (the control) and Version B (the challenger).
  • Making one or more alterations in the challenger version.
  • Splitting traffic evenly between the two versions.
  • Tracking and analyzing conversion rates for each version.
You can test literally anything - layout, copy, CTAs...

A single change, no matter how minute, like altering your headline or tweaking the call-to-action, can potentially result in significant improvements. By continuously testing and optimizing your landing page, you can identify what works best for your audience and achieve the best results.

Step 8: Mobile first

In 2021, more than 63% of Google searches were done on mobile devices, and this number is still growing. This is why you should care more about how your page looks on mobile rather than desktop. This is especially important if your customers don’t need many days to decide to buy your product.

Make sure your landing pages are mobile-responsive. This means users on smartphones and tablets can easily look through the page and do what they need to do. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Compact images: Make your images small in both size and dimensions. This will help your page load faster and make it easier to see on mobile devices.
  • Reduce typing demands: Keep things simple for users by reducing the amount of typing they need to do. This makes it easier for them to use your site.
  • Avoid auto-downloads: Don’t force users to download files automatically. This can take up space on their devices and make them unhappy.
  • Avoid auto-play videos: Don’t play videos automatically. The sound can annoy users, especially if they are in a public place.
  • Minimize animations: Use animations and color effects only if necessary. Too many animations can slow down your page. Only use them if they are really needed to show something important.
  • Minimize page load time: Slow loading of the page could make your bounce rate skyrocket.

Step 9: Integrate SEO in the process

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is just as important for PPC (Pay-Per-Click) landing pages as it is for regular search results. SEO helps PPC campaigns by enhancing the quality of your ads and enhancing the overall user experience, resulting in higher conversion rates. To make your PPC landing page more search engine-friendly, follow these steps:

  1. Include relevant keywords in your content and meta tags.
  2. Prioritize aspects like website speed, mobile friendliness, and compelling content that matches what users are looking for.
  3. Ensure your landing page is user-friendly and loads quickly, with valuable content that corresponds to the intent of your PPC ad.
Google Chrome provides a handy tool call Lighthouse to measure your website's speed

Pay close attention to the user experience of your landing page, as it greatly impacts engagement metrics that Google takes into account. A well-optimized landing page reduces bounce rates, increases the time users spend on your page, and significantly improves conversion rates, ultimately maximizing your return on investment (ROI).

And sorry to include steps into step :)) 


A great PPC landing page integrates these elements to create a seamless and persuasive user experience. By understanding your audience, crafting compelling headlines, designing intuitive layouts, writing persuasive copy, incorporating strong CTAs, providing social proof, using A/B testing, and optimizing for SEO, you can create a landing page that not only attracts clicks but also drives meaningful actions and results for your business. Continuous testing and optimization ensure that your landing page remains effective and responsive to your audience's needs.

Marek Turnhofer
PPC specialist & Content Creator
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