From Clicking to Thinking: PPC News July 2024

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Laura ProbstnerovĂĄ
August 15, 2024

Our mission is to empower you not just to survive, but to thrive. With insights from our newsletter, you'll be primed to tackle PPC with confidence, adapting strategies like a pro. We're committed to delivering the freshest PPC news, top-tier updates, optimization tactics, and game-changing tips each month.

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Google Analytics

Improved Event Configuration in GA4

GA4 now mandates a configuration command or Google tag for auto-collected events, ensuring precise data by preventing uncontrolled event capture. This update enhances data accuracy by refining attribution channel assignments, reducing misattributed Direct channel groupings. (source)

Automatic Google Ads Conversions Integration with Google Analytics

Google Ads conversions are now seamlessly integrated with connected Google Analytics accounts. Previously, setting up conversions required separate processes or importing from Analytics to Google Ads. Now, conversions created in Google Ads are instantly reflected in Analytics, streamlining workflow and data consistency.

Google Ads

Expanded Audience Signals Integration in Google App Campaigns

Google now allows insertion of Audience Signals into App campaigns, mirroring capabilities previously available in Performance Max campaigns. This update enhances App campaign efficiency by enabling targeted audience inclusion, beyond previous capabilities limited to audience exclusions. (source)


Dynamic tCPA Insights in Google Ads

Google Ads now offers Dynamic tCPA Insights, showing weekly CPA averages and projected conversions. It helps advertisers gauge if their actual CPA aligns with expected ranges based on historical data. Google aims to keep overall CPA close to the target, despite some variations in individual conversions. This feature supports advertisers in optimizing campaigns for cost-effective acquisition. (source)


Default Broad Match Enabled for New Google Search Campaigns

Google has enabled Broad match by default for new Search campaigns, aligning with previous updates to other campaign types like Performance Max. Advertisers initiating new campaigns should be cautious of potential cost implications if starting with Phrase or Exact match keywords is preferable. Proper negative keyword management is crucial to control costs and maintain relevance. (source)

Enhanced Merchant Center Interface for Improved Product Management

Google Merchant Center introduces a revamped interface aimed at facilitating product management tasks, issue resolution, and comprehensive performance reporting. Key features include AI-powered product image enhancements, simplified product addition from online and physical stores, expedited issue resolution based on potential clicks, and enhanced performance insights. (source)

Enhanced Conversion Adoption Appointment Banner in Google Ads

Google Ads now displays an enhanced conversion adoption appointment banner at the account level, promoting streamlined adoption of enhanced conversions. The banner offers easy access to scheduling implementation appointments, providing guidance for website modifications necessary for accurate conversion measurement post-third-party cookies. (source)

AI-Generated Overview Beta in Google Ads Account

Google Ads introduces an AI-generated Overview Beta above the account level summary, offering a performance summary for the last 28 days compared to the previous period. It identifies key metrics and potential reasons for changes in performance, such as bid strategy adjustments. Advertisers can explore detailed insights into contributing campaigns and changes influencing conversion value directly from the overview. (source)

Enhanced Conversion Diagnostics and Rating Visibility in Google Ads

Google Ads enhances visibility of Enhanced Conversion Diagnostics, offering detailed insights into setup and performance for specific conversion actions. Advertisers can access this information under Conversion Actions -> Summary -> Diagnostics -> Enhanced Conversions “See details” within the Google Ads UI, ensuring robust measurement and bidding capabilities through hashed first-party data. (source)



Enhanced Data Restrictions Settings in Meta Events Manager

Meta has updated Events Manager with new ‘Core setup’ and ‘Custom Event Blocking’ controls. Core setup restricts data to comply with Meta Business Tools terms, automatically or manually, impacting ad performance and event functionalities. Custom Event Blocking requires review of new events for ad use, enhancing data control and compliance in specific industries like finance and healthcare. (source)

Improved Attribution Settings for Meta Ads

Meta now allows advertisers to edit attribution settings to differentiate between ‘First conversion’ and ‘All conversions’. This update provides clearer insights into ad performance, aligning Meta Ads reporting with Google Analytics 4 metrics. ‘First conversion’ counts initial measurable conversions after ad interaction, while ‘All conversions’ includes subsequent conversions, clarifying performance analysis and client reporting. (source)

Streamlined Filter and Search Settings in Meta Ads Manager

Meta has updated Ads Manager with streamlined filter and search settings, enabling quicker view creation, saving, and access directly from the table view. Advertisers can optimize workflow efficiency by optionally hiding the search bar, enhancing user experience and productivity. (source)

AI-Powered Image Expansion for Enhanced Ad Placement on Meta

Meta now offers AI-powered image expansion to automatically adjust ad images for optimal placement across its platform. Advertisers can enhance visibility by applying text overlays, improving ad effectiveness and engagement potential with expanded creative capabilities. (source)

Granular Conversion Events Breakdown for Meta Ads

Advertisers on Meta Ads can now analyze conversion events by ‘First conversions’, ‘All conversions’, or both. This granular breakdown provides detailed insights into ad performance within specific attribution windows, aiding in strategic campaign optimization and performance evaluation. (source)

Proactive Ad Policy Compliance Warnings in Meta Ads

Meta now proactively warns advertisers about potential ad policy issues, providing actionable ‘Guidance cards’ to resolve issues and prevent ad rejections. This update ensures compliance with Meta’s advertising policies, maintaining ad performance and campaign effectiveness. (source)

Comprehensive Event Coverage Monitoring for Conversions API on Meta

Meta offers ‘Event Coverage’ stats in Events Manager for Conversions API users, tracking browser and server event totals. This feature ensures comprehensive data integration, optimizing campaign performance through informed data-driven decisions and insights. (source)

Removal of Detailed Targeting Exclusions in Meta Ads

Meta is removing options to exclude detailed targeting criteria like demographics or interests from ad targeting. Existing campaigns will remain unaffected until January 31, 2025, prompting advertisers to review and adjust targeting strategies to comply with updated policies and maximize ad reach. (source)

Sales Campaign Breakdown by Country and Audience Segments in Meta Ads

Meta now allows advertisers to analyze Sales campaigns by ‘Country and audience segments’. This breakdown provides insights into audience behavior and engagement across different regions, facilitating targeted campaign strategies and performance optimization. (source)

Introduction of Overlay Ads in Instagram Reels on Meta

Meta introduces Overlay ads in Instagram Reels, displaying banner ads within Reels content. Advertisers can now reach audiences engaged with short-form video content, utilizing new controls to filter ad placements and enhance campaign relevance. (source)

Discount Showcase on Instagram Ad CTA Buttons in Meta Ads

Advertisers on Meta can now showcase specific discounts directly on Instagram ad CTA buttons through the ‘Ad sources’ section. This feature enhances ad visibility and encourages engagement by highlighting promotional offers effectively within ad creatives. (source)

Expansion of Special Ad Categories to Include Financial Products and Services on Meta

Meta expands ‘Special Ad Categories’ to include ‘Financial products and services’, effective fall 2024. This update ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and offers targeted ad options within specific industries, aligning with global advertising standards. (source)

Enhanced Campaign Duplication Features in Meta Ads Manager

Meta now includes recommended checkboxes when duplicating campaigns, promoting ‘Advantage+ audience’ targeting and ‘Advantage+ creative’. Advertisers can streamline campaign setup and optimization by leveraging recommended settings, enhancing ad performance and audience engagement. (source)

Enhanced Tracking for Facebook Ads Sitelinks in GA4

Meta has introduced automatic inclusion of sitelink numbers in the utm_source parameter for Facebook Ads Sitelinks when clicked. This update ensures that sitelinks are tracked in GA4 reports based on their sequence within the ad.


Facebook Ads now support up to 20 sitelinks per ad, enhancing engagement by displaying relevant links directly in the mobile feed. This feature is gradually rolling out and aims to optimize ad performance by providing additional navigation options to users. (source)


AI-Powered Tools for Enhanced Ad Creation in Microsoft Advertising

Microsoft Advertising introduces AI-powered tools for efficient ad creation, including asset recommendations for video ads and automated slide generation. Marketers can input a landing page URL to refine video and banner ads swiftly. Future updates will extend asset recommendations to Connected TV ads, enabling scalable brand storytelling across streaming platforms. (source)

Introducing Invest: Microsoft’s Demand-Side Platform for Connected TV Ads

Microsoft introduces Invest, a demand-side platform focusing on Connected TV (CTV) and streaming video ads. Integrated with over 860 CTV publishers and leveraging exclusive Microsoft audiences, advertisers can target premium viewers effectively. Customized and data-driven ad campaigns aim to drive superior business outcomes and engagement. (source)

Brand Lists for Enhanced Control in Microsoft Performance Max Campaigns

Microsoft Advertising introduces brand lists for Performance Max campaigns, enabling advertisers to manage brand associations and ad visibility effectively. Advertisers can exclude specific brands, ensuring ads appear in relevant contexts and optimizing return on ad spend (ROAS). Up to 20 brand lists can be created, with options to search and request additional brands after editorial review. (source)

Enhanced Asset Management in Microsoft Performance Max Campaigns

Microsoft Advertising releases campaign-level settings for managing auto-generated assets in Performance Max campaigns. Advertisers gain control over asset types and landing pages, enhancing relevance and appropriateness. Individual asset blocking allows precise control over campaign content, ensuring optimal performance and user engagement. (source)

Impression-Based Remarketing with First-Party Cookies in Microsoft Advertising

Microsoft introduces Impression-Based Remarketing, utilizing first-party cookies to target users who have previously viewed ads. Automatically generated audience lists enhance campaign performance by boosting clicks and conversions, optimizing bids, and leveraging protected first-party data. Advertisers can create impression-based audiences under Tools -> Audiences, selecting the “Impression-based” type for enhanced targeting capabilities. (source)

What's new in Dotidot

The Performance Max final update

In recent months, we've been developing and releasing smaller features to enhance the popular Performance Max campaigns in Dotidot. In our latest update, we've introduced many new features that complement the previous improvements.

  • We have implemented a Performance Max importer, allowing you to easily import your existing campaigns from Google Ads to Dotidot without losing any data or algorithm patterns.
  • We have also updated audience signals to include the latest options in Google Ads, such as Search Terms, and provided better descriptions within the app.
  • Performance Max Insights are now available. This feature integrates popular third-party reporting scripts, allowing you to export historical data from your active campaigns and connect it to pre-made templates. Gain deeper insights into brand and non-brand search term performance, detailed metrics, and keyword overlaps.
  • The campaign layout has been slightly modified to incorporate new features while still enhancing the user experience.

To learn more about Performance Max in Dotidot, click here.


  • Reduced the invoice due date notification time by 5 days
  • Removed outdated and unused data from the database, freeing up space and speeding up app processes.


Laura ProbstnerovĂĄ
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