General Terms and Conditions of dotidot s.r.o

Effective for users registered after 2022/05/16


  1. These General Terms and Conditions /hereinafter referred to as “GTCs”/ of PPC Bee s.r.o., a limited liability company, ID No. 040 38 002, with its registered office at Křížová 2598/4, Prague 5, Smíchov, Postal Code 150 00, incorporated in the Companies Register of the Metropolitan Court in Prague under Section C, Insert No. 241330 /hereinafter referred to as the “Provider”/ govern the mutual rights and obligations laid down between the Provider and a natural person – a business person (as part of the business person’s business activities) or a legal entity /hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”/, arising in connection with the provision of services consisting in the use of the PPC Bee Application which is designed for administration of PPC campaigns in PPC systems operated by third parties. The PPC Bee Application is available online at
  2. Provisions deviating from those laid down in these GTCs may only be stipulated in an individual agreement. Deviating provisions laid down in the individual agreement or in other arrangements between the Contracting Parties shall prevail over the provisions hereof.
  3. The provisions of these GTCs are published at These GTCs are available in both, Czech and English. In the event of a conflict between the two language versions, the Czech version shall prevail.
  4. The Provider may modify or amend the wording of these GTCs. The Provider shall notify the Customer of any such change in an appropriate manner (a communication sent to the e-mail entered in the PPC Bee Application registration shall suffice) no less than 30 days in advance. The amendment shall be effective in relation to the Customer as of the date specified in such notification. Unless the Customer agrees to such amendment of the GTCs, the Customer is entitled to terminate the Agreement by notice as of the effective date of such an amendment. The Customer shall deliver the notice no later than one day before the effective date of the amendment.
  5. These GTCs have been supplemented by Personal Data Protection Policy.


"Agreement" – Agreement on the use of the PPC Bee Application and for the provision of related services of customer support for Internet applications entered into by and between the Provider and the Customer, governing the provision of the PPC Bee Application designed for creation and administration of PPC campaigns and Additional Features, available at, concluded pursuant to Article III hereof. These GTCs and Price List form an integral part of this Agreement.

"PPC Bee Application” – an application designed for administration of PPC campaigns in PPC advertising systems operated by third parties, such as Google Ads, Seznam Sklik, and Microsoft Advertising, which the Customer administers through the Provider’s administration interface. The PPC Bee Application is a work as defined in Act No. 121/2000 Coll., the Copyright Act. The PPC Bee Application as well as its individual modules, databases contained therein, and graphic elements that are part of the software are protected by copyright as a computer program with the exception of its parts which are governed by commercial, free and/or open-source third-party licenses /hereinafter referred to as “third-party licenses”; See Third party component declaration/. The Provider (PPC Bee s.r.o.) is the executor of all proprietary copyrights to the PPC Bee Application as a whole and including any and all modules created on its basis with the exception of its part governed by third-party licenses.

“PPC systems” – pay-per-click systems; advertising systems allowing advertisers to place their advertisements on the Internet, whereas each placement is paid only when a user clicks on the advertiser’s advertisement. Use of the basic PPC Bee functionality is subject to special fees as per the Price List.

“Additional Features” – a term covering additional PPC Bee Application functions that are not a part of the basic PPC Bee Application functionality and are offered to the Customers separately.

“Image Editor” – an additional PPC Bee Application feature that allows the Customer to edit any images they upload. Use of the Image Editor is subject to special fees as per the Price List.

“Facebook Campaigns” – an additional PPC Bee Application feature that allows the Customer to create advertising campaigns for the Facebook platform. Use of Facebook Campaigns is subject to special fees as per the Price List.

“Feed Scraper” – an additional PPC Bee Application feature that allows the Customer to create a new data source from a website sitemap URL or enrich an existing data source with data from the website. Use of Feed Scraper is subject to special fees as per the Price List.

“Feed export” – an additional PPC Bee Application feature that allows the Customer to transform the input data source according to the requirements of the target advertising platform (eg. advertising systems, product comparators, ..). Use of Feed Export is subject to special fees as per the Price List.

“Price List” - Price List published by the Provider in PDF. Price List forms an integral part of the Agreement.


  1. The Customer shall get registered at using the e-mail address of the Customer’s choice and shall choose a password /hereinafter referred to as “Login Data”/. As part of the registration, the Customer shall provide their other identification details. The Customer is obliged to notify the Provider of any change to such data without delay. Upon the registration, a user account is created for the Customer in the PPC Bee Application. By means of this registration, the Customer expresses their consent to the Rules for Use of the PPC Bee Application as defined hereof and agrees to observe them as applicable. Upon completion of user account registration, an Agreement is concluded between the Customer and the Provider.
  2. The Customer shall log in using their Login Data for the PPC Bee Application at The Customer may enter input data on their products and marketing campaigns to be processed in the PPC Bee Application via the PPC Bee Application interface. Subsequently, the Customer may link their PPC account managed by a third party with the PPC Bee Application. This linking will enable synchronization of advertisement groups and keywords with the requested PPC systems through the API interface. The Customer can also separately activate selected Additional Features.
  3. Upon the first synchronization of the user account with the advertising system, or upon the activation of the selected Additional Feature, a free trial period is started in the relevant scope /hereinafter referred to as “free trial”/. The free trial period is granted to the Customer free of charge for a limited period of time and available exclusively for the selected Additional Features as specified in the Price List. For the synchronization of the User Account and/or its activation an Agreement must be concluded. The Provider may extend the free trial at the Customer’s request. If the Customer’s free trial expires without the Customer requesting its extension and/or the Customer failing to duly pay the fees as defined in the Price List or show interest in any of the paid tariffs offered, the Provider is entitled to suspend the synchronization of the Customer’s PPC Bee account with advertising systems or prevent the Customer from accessing the Additional Features.
  4. The Customer is entitled to make the initial setup of the requested parameters for the use of the PPC Bee Application which will be applied after the expiration of the free trial period (i.e. to set up the requested frequency of synchronizations/ data source updates and the requested level of support) and to add invoicing data in the administration of their user account any time. By confirming (“submitting”) the completed invoicing data the right to use the basic PPC Bee Application functionality is thereby automatically activated for the period of one month. The right to use the basic PPC Bee Application is then automatically extended by one month each time until the Agreement is terminated by one of the procedures under Article VIII hereof. With each extension, PPC Bee shall automatically evaluate the criteria for determining the price of provided services in compliance with Article VI hereof and calculate the Price. for determining the price of the right to use basic PPC Bee Application functionality as well as Additional Features.
  5. Under the Agreement, the Provider agrees to provide the Customer with a right to use PPC Bee for a limited period of time solely for the Customer’s business purposes and under the conditions defined herein, the selected tariff, the selected Additional Features, and to provide related services of support. The Customer agrees to pay the Price specified in the Price List.
  6. The Parties may also enter into the individual Agreement in writing. In such case, the provisions of these GTCs concerning the method of entering into the Agreement shall apply with the necessary modifications and form an integral part of such Agreement; any deviating provisions laid down in such Agreement shall prevail over the provisions herein.


  1. The creation of campaigns shall be carried out in PPC systems under the accounts owned by the Customer. The Customer agrees that the PPC Bee Application will access the Customer’s accounts through the API token for the Sklik interface and through the OAUTH access system for Microsoft Advertising, Facebook, and accounts operated by Google (such as Google Ads) and/or other systems operated by third parties if these are used jointly with the PPC Bee Application. For Google Ads, the Customer agrees to linking their Google Ads account with the Provider’s “My Client Center” ( - 958-198-3989). The Customer shall be invited to such linking by the Provider by e-mail or by phone. The linking will enable better technical support from PPC Bee and full technical support for Google Ads accounts.
  2. The Provider is entitled to restrict or suspend the provision of PPC Bee Application services or selected Additional Features if their provision is prevented by reasons originating from the activities of third parties or force majeure (such as fire, flood, etc.) or due to a failure on the part of other providers, provided that, based on objective evaluation, these events could not have been avoided.
  3. The Provider shall bear no liability for the malfunctioning of the PPC systems of Sklik, Microsoft Advertising, and Google Ads or other systems operated by any other third parties if these are utilized for the use the PPC Bee Application. In such case, the Customer is not entitled to a refund of the Price paid for the provision of services.
  4. The Provider shall always be liable solely for damage caused by the breach of Agreement exclusively up to the amount equalling the sum of the fees paid by the Customer for the services provided in the one calendar month immediately preceding the month in which the damage occurred.
  5. The Provider undertakes to make every effort to implement any changes in the API interface of PPC system operators, or system operators that are used by Additional Features, sufficiently in advance. However, the Provider shall bear no liability for the malfunctioning of the PPC Bee Application caused by unpredicted changes in the API interface of PPC system operators, or system operators that are used by Additional Features, that the Provider could not have implemented even with due professional care, or in the event of an outage of the API interface of such operators. In such case, the Customer is not entitled to a refund of the Price paid for the provision of services.
  6. The Provider shall bear no liability for any damage caused by the Customer during the creation and administration of campaigns or caused by content generated by the Customer. The Customer is the holder of copyright and/or other relevant rights to all content (created texts, keywords, images, and other graphic elements, etc.) inserted by the Customer into the PPC Bee Application. The Customer shall bear full liability for the content of applications created by the Customer and for the accuracy of the information. Should the Provider be obliged to compensate damage caused to a third party through the Customer’s use of the PPC Bee Application, the Customer is obliged to pay the compensation for such damage to the Provider without any delay.
  7. The Customer acknowledges that the keywords used in campaigns may be protected, e.g. by a registered trademark, and that the Customer bears exclusive liability for the use of such keywords in compliance with legislation. The Customer hereby declares that by using such keywords the Customer does not infringe third parties’ rights. The Provider shall bear no liability for any infringement of any third party’s intellectual property rights resulting in connection with the use of the PPC Bee Application by the Customer. The Customer shall waive the right to claim compensation from the Provider for damage inflicted upon third parties by infringement of their intellectual property rights.
  8. The Provider shall bear no liability for any temporary or permanent loss, damage or destruction of the Customer’s or third parties’ data in connection with the use of the PPC Bee Application (hereinafter referred to as the “Incident”), unless such Incident results from an intentional conduct of the Provider. In such case, it is a defective performance and the Customer is entitled to request a discount from the Price of the services up to 100% of the invoiced amount for the affected month.
  9. The Customer shall provide the Provider with all assistance needed to ensure proper provision of services, in particular to hand over all necessary information and documents which the Provider asks the Customer for, provided that provision thereof is needed to accomplish the purpose of the Agreement.
  10. The Customer is not entitled to modify the PPC Bee Application in any manner, make it available to any third parties, lease it or grant license or sublicense thereto.
  11. The PPC Bee Application ( shall be available with 99 percent availability guaranteed (which can be checked at Planned availability outages shall be announced via e-mail at least 24 hours in advance, will not be planned for national holidays and significant days (e.g. Christmas, Black Friday, etc.) and shall take place predominantly at night or over weekends, where possible. In case of an unexpected failure, full functionality of the Application shall be restored usually within 2 hours of such failure.


  1. Throughout the term of the Agreement, the Provider shall provide the Customer with technical support.
  2. Provided support addresses two types of requests:
    • Technical Issues
      • e.g. errors in synchronization, faulty loading of the data source, 500-type errors in the application, etc.
      • shall be reported using the form available at
    • Application Issues
      • e.g. issues concerning navigation in the Application, requests for assistance in setting up the Application, explanation of terms, etc.
      • automatically fall under severity level Normal.
  3. Technical support Specification:
  4. PPC Bee Tech Support
    Communication channels form, e-mail, chat, Account manager, phone
    Response time within 3 hours during business hours (9 a.m. – 5 p.m. CET)
    Request resolution time Low Not Defined
    Normal 72 hours to 6 days
    High 36 hours to 3 days
    Urgent 12 hours to 1 day
  5. Request severity
    • URGENT
      • The technical request relates to issues connected with campaign generation or synchronization, generation of export data sources or any other defects that make it impossible for the Customer to generate data into advertising systems correctly.
      • It has the highest priority and shall be dealt with preferentially.
    • HIGH
      • The technical request occurs in the PPC Bee web interface and can be replicated for more than 1 customer.
      • The Application Issue on this level is connected with invoicing.
      • It has a higher priority than a request of Normal and Low severity.
    • NORMAL
      • Any error that does not fall under severity levels Urgent, High, and Low.
      • Application Issues fall under this level of severity.
    • Low/New feature
      • Our support can also assess that an error reported by the Customer is not an error but a new feature that is not subject to error correction at the moment, since it is not an error.
      • It has not been defined when work on the new feature will begin and whether we will include the feature into our development schedule.
      • If the new feature is implemented, PPC Bee shall inform the Customer of such fact via e-mail.
  6. We cannot guarantee the functionality of all services nor the defined error resolution time where the error has been caused by a third party (such as Google Ads, Facebook, Sklik, and/or Microsoft Advertising API) or on the part of the Customer (e.g. we are unable to download the Customer’s data source due to an error on the Customer’s part or when such data contain errors).


  1. The Price for the services /also referred to as “fee”/ for the provision of basic PPC Bee Application functionality as well as for the Facebook Campaigns Additional Feature to the Customer under the Agreement shall depend on the volume of „spend” (i.e. the cost of campaigns paid to third-party marketing platform providers) and the frequency of synchronizations requested by the Customer. Concerning the Image Editor Additional Feature, the Price depends on the number of exported items. In the case of using the Image editor Additional Feature for Feed exports Additional feature, the corresponding amount for updating the data source is added to the Price. Concerning the Feed scraper Additional Feature, the Price depends on the number of active scrapped domains and the frequency of data source updates. Concerning the Feed export Additional Feature, the Price depends on the number of active items in the active feed exports and the frequency of data source updates. Prices are specified in the Price List. The prices quoted in the Price List are exclusive of VAT. The Provider is entitled to modify or change the tariffs offered unilaterally; the provisions of GTCs related to such change shall apply with the necessary modifications.
  2. The Price for the services is payable for the period past (=retrospectively). The Customer is entitled to change increase the frequency of synchronizations/data source updates at any time; the Price shall be determined based on the services set on the last day of the preceding period.
  3. The actual fee is determined by the high-water mark method, ie according to the highest achieved state in the month and the Customer will receive an invoice after the end of the month. For the avoidance of doubt, with the Feed scraper Additional Feature, the amount of the monthly price is determined according to the highest number of simultaneously scrapped domains in the month.
  4. The invoice shall be payable within 14 days of its dispatch to the Customer. The Provider shall send the invoice by e-mail to the Customer’s e-mail address under which the Customer is registered in the PPC Bee Application, or to a different address provided by the Customer. The regular invoice for the payment made on the basis of the proforma invoice shall be sent by the Provider within the statutory period of time. The Customer agrees to have these documents sent electronically. The day on which the payment is credited to the Provider’s account shall be deemed the date of payment of the Price.
  5. Should the Customer be in default with any payment for more than 14 days, the Provider is entitled to suspend the PPC Bee Application services for the Customer. In the event of the Customer’s default with any outstanding payment, the Provider shall become entitled to contractual late payment interest in the amount of 0.05 per cent of the outstanding amount for each day of such default. The contractual late payment interest shall become due after the 14th day from the moment the Provider notified the Customer of claiming the late payment interest.
  6. The Provider shall resume the provision of the service suspended pursuant to the preceding paragraph no later than the following business day after the day on which all due payments of the Customer to the Provider are paid. Restricted or suspended provision of services by the Provider due to a breach of the Customer’s obligations shall not exempt the Customer from the obligation to make the agreed-upon payments, nor shall it give the Customer any right to receive compensation for any damage.
  7. The Provider is entitled to cancel the Customer’s user account and delete the Customer’s user data after one month from the day on which the Customer starts being in default.


  1. The Customer undertakes to keep confidentiality of the Provider’s confidential information and trade secrets and not to disclose them or make them accessible to any third parties or to use them for the Customer’s own benefit or for the benefit of any third parties. For the avoidance of doubt, the Provider defines confidential information as: technical or commercial information of the Provider or any other information of the Provider that is not publicly available, in particular data, know-how, used computer programs, processes, designs, concepts, specifications, pricing information, business, financial and marketing plans, information, other intellectual property items created by the Provider protected by law, and other information that is designated as confidential by the Provider. The Customer agrees to protect the Login Data from abuse; the Provider is not obliged to compensate damage incurred by a potential abuse of the Login Data by any third party.
  2. Likewise, the Provider undertakes to keep confidentiality of the Customer’s confidential information and trade secrets and not to disclose them or make them accessible to any third parties or to use them for the Provider’s own benefit or for the benefit of any third parties. The obligation of confidentiality applies in particular to the Login Data for access to the Customer’s accounts in PPC systems and to information on the results achieved in PPC campaigns under the Agreement, including information on number of clicks and the paid Price.
  3. The Parties agree to protect the confidential information so as to prevent its disclosure to third parties, and they further agree not to disclose, reveal or make the confidential information accessible to any third parties.
  4. The obligation of confidentiality with respect to confidential information, trade secrets, etc., i.e. the obligation not to disclose such information or make it accessible to any third parties, is not limited by time and the Parties are obliged to comply with it even after a potential termination of the Agreement.
  5. The Customer grants the Provider consent to use the Customer’s person, including logo, as a business reference. Where the logo is protected under industrial law, the Customer grants the Provider a royalty-free license to use the logo for this purpose.


  1. The Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time, unless otherwise agreed by the Agreement or by consensus of the Parties.
  2. The Provider shall provide services to the Customer throughout the duration of the Agreement. However, the provision of services may be suspended by the Provider:
    • for the duration of an obstacle on the part of the Provider making it objectively impossible to provide some of the services stipulated under the Agreement; or
    • in other cases allowed by the Agreement or the GTCs.
  3. The Provider is entitled to terminate the provision of services under this Agreement unilaterally and to terminate the Agreement by notice provided that the Customer’s conduct represents a material breach of obligations arising from the Agreement or the GTCs. A material breach of the Agreement includes, without limitation:
    • the Customer’s default with any payment for a period longer than 30 calendar days;
    • repeated failure to fulfil the obligations under the Agreement and/or these GTCs;
    • using the provided services in violation of the Agreement, these GTCs or applicable legislation, good morals and common ethical values /such as uploading pornography, etc./;
    • abuse of the possibility to change the requested level of support or frequency of synchronizations/data source updates pursuant to Article VI.2 hereof in order to reduce the Price for the next month.
  4. The Customer is entitled to terminate the Agreement by notice in the event that:
    • the PPC Bee Application is repeatedly unavailable in excess of the percentage guaranteed under Article IV.10 hereof;
    • the Provider exceeds the response time or the issue resolution time stipulated in Article V – Support Guarantee Service hereof;
    • the Provider uses the Login Data for access to the Customer’s account in PPC systems for any purpose other than to perform the Agreement.
  5. The termination notice shall be made in writing and sent to the other Party to the e-mail provided by the Customer upon registration (where the notice is given by the Provider), or to (where the notice is given by the Customer). Where possible with regard to the nature of termination grounds, the termination notice shall be preceded by at least one notification with a request to remedy the situation.
  6. The termination notice referred to in clauses 3 and 4 shall come into effect on the day following the date on which the termination notice was sent to the other Party (the termination is without a notice period).
  7. Both the Provider and the Customer are entitled to terminate the Agreement also by a written notice without giving a reason. In such case, the notice period shall be 1 month and shall start on the first day of the calendar month following the month in which the notice was delivered to the other Party. The Customer can terminate the Agreement by clicking the „cancel subscription” button in the user settings of the Customer’s account, or by e-mail similarly as in clause 5 hereof. The Agreement can also be terminated only in part under this paragraph, i.e. only some Additional Features can be terminated.


  1. The Agreement between the Customer and the Provider shall come into force and effect immediately when concluded.
  2. For the purposes of delivery of documents, the Parties have agreed that the effectiveness of any act shall also be preserved where one Party makes such act in writing in paper form and sends it via a postal service provider to the address of the registered office of the other Party. Such document shall be deemed to have been delivered on the third day after its demonstrable sending.
  3. Should any provision of the Agreement or these GTCs become invalid or ineffective, such invalidity or ineffectiveness shall not affect the other provisions of the Agreement or these GTCs.
  4. The contractual relationship and any disputes arising therefrom shall be governed by Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, as amended. The court competent to resolve disputes arising from the Agreement or related thereto is the ordinary court of the Provider. In the event of an international element, the governing law shall be the national law of the Czech Republic.
  5. These GTCs supersede all previous terms and conditions and are effective as of the 16th May 2022.

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